
Weekend Video The WWII Home Front

A couple of interesting government films focused on the home front in Britain and America during WWII. This first film focuses mainly on U.S. government efforts to keep wartime workers from going crazy. People from all over the United States flocked to new cities to take jobs in armament plants, shipyards and other factories to support the American war effort. Many times the cities —places like Mobile, Alabama — couldn’t handle the influx of a massive migrant labor force, so boredom and restlessness was a serious issue. I could only imagine the government trying to do something like this today.

The second video takes a look at rationing during World War II in Britain. This video is especially interesting to me after my last trip to London and a visit to the Imperial War Museum (which is probably my favorite museum in the world). The video below was produced by the IWM and was a compliment to an exhibit they did on the British home front during WWII. Truly fascinating stuff.

