
SIFF Presents Red Heroine featuring Boston’s Devil Music Ensemble

On Sunday night at the SIFF Theater Seattle will be treated to a set by the gloriously challenging and often dazzling Devil Music Ensemble, which features Brendon Wood on electric guitars, lap steel, and analog synthesizer; Jonah Rapino on electric violin & viola, analog synthesizer, and vibraphone and Tim Nylander playing drums, percussion, and analog synthesizer. Another reason to catch this obviously noteworthy performance by this Boston experimental music group is that they will be doing the soundtrack to the rare and legendary Red Heroine, a 1929 serial that was the only remnant of a 1929 thirteen part series titled Red Knight Errant.

Directed by Wen Yimin, Red Heroine is a lush-looking, sizzlingly-sensual martial arts classic that seems perfectly suited to the sounds made by a troupe of musicians known for scoring Robert Weine’s Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) and works by Jean Cocteau among many other projects. A violent 94 minute passion play about villagers ravaged and maidens transmutating into heroes revenging on outlaws, Red Heroine should be both a work of visual resplendence and unique live music. It is another bold art-film and art-rock marriage that should solidly follow up SIFF’s wonderful live (re)production of silent film Sunrise scored by The Album Leaf at the Triple Door during the festival last spring (which astonished all those lucky enough to catch it).

Starting at 7 PM, and at the special admission price of $15 per ticket, you might want to save your date night for Sunday this weekend. Buy tickets here.

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