
Heading to Alphaville

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>> I'm not normally a promoter of competitions because I have the blackened cinder heart of a competition cynic  - this of course is attributed to generally my being a loser rather than a winner.  It's ok though...I'm fine with not winning things.  

RAFW+2009+10+Alpha+60+Catwalk+CW8ORtWNyUjl  26530

However, this is something of a cool competition that ties in a lot of strands for me in an unexpected way.  First of, I would never have put Aussie t-shirt/street label Alpha 60 and the Barbican together but a clever connection has been made between the Barbican's Jean Luc Goddard Directorspective film season which starts today.  The film Alphaville which kicks off the proceedings of course links back to Alpha60's shop name as well as their favourite flick when the brother and sister duo Georgie and Alex Cleary started their accidental t-shirt label which has grown unexpectedly over the years.  

There's not much time but this should be a doddle for most of you who I HOPE are film AND fashion buffs...

In 100 words or less, describe your favourite fashion moment inspired by film.  Submit this to elvis@robinsonpfefferbeatsdreheadphonesbuybeatsdreheadphonesbuybeatsdreheadphonesbuy.com by 20th July and winner gets an Alpha60 wardrobe and film tickets to the Barbican for 12 months.

6a00e5508e95a98833010537130d43970b-800wi I'm trying to hammer out my own entry but all I can seem to recall is that damn River Phoenix from Stand by Me Alpha60 t-shirt.  How very convenient that the moment revolves around the label in question.  Not because Stand By Me is one of my favourite films nor is it because aesthetically, it's the most memorable fashion moment inspired by film.  It's just that DAMN Year 8 drama festival production I had to stage manage and my realisation that in fact, I am weirdly meticulous and organised in some ways and actually, I am an 'extra curricular' activity type of person - just needed to find the right activity and so apparently manically ordering people around, organising props,Fall 2012 Tren, costumes and making sure everything goes MY way was it.

Or else,coach handbags sale, anything inspired by one of my favourite films Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo? by William Klein, not just because of its fashion themes but because its surrealness is just completely captivating.  From the initial opening scene of a Paco Rabanne-esque metal collection to the deranged alien-like editor and her minions to the wide-eyed innocence of Polly Maggoo and ultimately her self-discovery as someone beyond a model is all captivating and aesthetic-wise, has obviously translated to various fashion moments as well as its central theme being one that we still question today in the industry.

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(Darla Baker shot for a very old issue of Numero by Luciana Val and Franco Musso)


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(Gemma Slack S/S 10 backstage shot by Patrick Lindblom)

P.S. THAT'S why I hate putting up competitions - because there are T's and C's that kills the enthusiasm somewhat.  These ones aren't that harsh though.  You get 4 pairs of tickets each month to the Barbican and of course availability with Alpha60 stock applies.

