
Bank Holiday Break

>>Apologies for a back-to-back inconsequential piccy post but this was just to drop in and say that today was Bank Holiday Monday in UK Monster Beats Mixr, the last one in the year (save for Christmas and Boxing Day) so it was off to Hampton Court we went for the day where I was reunited with my blue floppy hat and where we took the newly acquired vintage brown rucksack on the day trip it so aptly deserves.  As a final postscript to the day as a Brick Lane trader, I broke my self-imposed rule of NOT buying anything with my day's takings (i.e. accumulating more crap after the sale of my old crap...).  No sooner had I packed up for the day monster beats studio headphones, I spotted a guy selling a lot of vintage tan leather goods; bags Portugal Soccer Jersey, luggage and brogues and this rucksack had to be snapped up on the spot.  Currently it's being used in a co-ownership deal between myself and the boyf and also rekindles that pretty special back-to-school feeling that I will never EVER reclaim. 

So this is really just a post to say sorry for lack of posting today but it had to be done before September all kicks off...


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