
How To Make Easy Money On Internet Quickly With The Best Ptc Sites (top 10 + Payment Proofs)

How To Make Easy Money On Internet Quickly With The Best Ptc Sites (top 10 + Payment Proofs).

Today a lot of people are struggling to earn money from internet.
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and so on (even "How To Quit My Dayjob Fast" :-)).

But how is that possible to make money online?
Actually, there are tons of methods to earn money on Internet.

This arcticle covers the most simple method to make cash online.

The easiest way to earn some extra money on Internet is Paid-To-Click (PTC) sites. They pay to their users just to visit their sponsor's websites.
Altrought, the earning at the very beginning are slow, it is possible to make up to 100$/ day for people who gain more experience with PTC sites.

Best PTC Sites Are 100% FREE To Sign-Up.

To earn money from PTC sites members must register for free and click "View Advertisements" or "Surf Ads" button (Sometimes "Earnings Area"). Then You'll see some advertisements (4-6 usually) to click on. Each advertisement require 30 sec. to be approved as viewed.
Then this advertisement will change it's status on inactive (viewed today). When all advertisements are viewed, come back after 1 day to visit them (or another ones) again. Repeat this until you reach the payout minimum then request your cash - it will be delivered to your online bank account in most cases instantly.

To receive money from PTC sites you must have payment processor account.

How To Save Time While Surfing The Best PTC Sites:
Login into them all at the same time (use different tabs of your browser). Then visit first advertisements of all PTC sites at the same time. Then close the advertisements.
Then repeat this easy work with the rest of advertisements. This will save your time greatly compared to common method of viewing
When members visit advertisements of first PTC site then 2nd PTC site and so on.

There are two types of PTC sites: Bux and Aurora.
Bux sites give ~0.01$ per viewed advertisement and allow to buy referrals, while Aurora sites pay ~0.005$ per Ad and don't allow to buy referrals.

Definition of Referral.
Referral is a person who register at PTC site through your referral link. You can find your referral link in "Banners" or "Promote" area of your PTC account.

What Are Benefits of Having Refs.
Each time your ref view PTC sponsor's website you will get a cash comission.

Three Types of refs:
1. Direct refs - people who join PTC site via your ref link;
2. Rented referrals - those who can be rented (BUX sites only) to consider as your refs for cirtain amount of time (30 days usually);
3. Inderect referrals - some PTC sites offer comissions from referrals of your referrals (2 and more levels deep).

Methods To Get PTC Refs
Here are some good ways to get PTC referrals:
1. Promote your referral link on traffic exchanges;
2. Advertise your ref links on text ad exchanges;
3. Promote your referral links on forums (in signatures);
4. Leave comments on PTC,Cheap Monster Beats, GPT and Make Money Blogs;
5. Use social media webpages to promote your referral links;
6. Make a site and post your referral links on it; then advertise it;
7. Use social networks to (promote your ref links;
8. Use social bookmarks to advertise your ref links;
9. Use referral exchange programs to get refs;
10. Tell your friends to sign-up through your referral links.

1. Forum.
Forum is a "Must Be" for each best PTC site to considercount itself safe to be used by it's members;

2. Own Script
every serious best PTC site has own script - it looks like no other PTC site. Avoid PTC sites which are created on common scripts.

3. PTC Payment Proofs
Before signing-up at any PTC site always search for payment proofs from this PTC site (this may be screenshot or video from online bank account with received cash).

PTC Invest:
All the best PTC sites allow their members to make more cash by upgrading account for a small fee.

The Benebits of Upgrading PTC Account Are:
1. Get more money from every advertisement you visit;
2. Get more advertisements to click on every day;
3. Get more comissions from every ref's click;
4. Get incrased maximum of direct and rented refs;
5. receive cash quicker.

Use only the best PTC sites to upgrade Your accounts at.

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