
Placebo Now available in maximum strength

Maggie Koerth-Baker at 11:47 am Wednesday, May 16

For only 6 British Pounds, you can cure what ails you with Placebo maximum strength sugar pills.

I'm a little sad that Etsy user spellingmistakes got to this idea before I could start marketing Placebex, as I've been threatening to do since approximately 2001. Maybe there's an intellectual property lawsuit in there someplace. ;)

Or, perhaps, you might like to purchase some Placebo maximum strength.

If you want to read more on ethical placebos coach factory outlet, I'd recommend checking out the following stories:

• Evidence that placebos work even if you tell people they're taking placebos by Ed Yong
• Meet the ethical placebo by Steve Silberman

And, before you ask, yes ... there really is some evidence that placebos work even if the people taking them already know that the drug is a placebo. Back in 2010, a study of ethical placebos used with irritable bowel patients got a lot of press. It was a follow up to a 2008 study that found roughly the same results.

Via Darren Cullen


